Combine blueberries and bananas in these tender, golden loaves. Whether you enjoy a slice as a snack or for breakfast, this bread is so flavorful, you...
Combine blueberries and bananas in these tender, golden loaves. Whether you enjoy a slice as a snack or for breakfast, this bread is so flavorful, you...
This is a recipe that I put together, out of several different ones. It's very easy and very good.
This is the best banana bread recipe I have found. It is the most successful and versatile quick bread! You can also customize and use chunky applesauce...
Author: Allrecipes Member
Baking banana bread is one of my favorites, and I love nothing more than enjoying a slice with a nice cup of coffee. This was the inspiration for my recipe,...
Author: Dianne
Hey its Carla Bruno from CarlasCakes! Here is another great recipe I had to share with you. I am obsessed with banana bread and so it my husband, and I...
Author: Carla Maria
This is a very moist banana bread with a little kick of spice. Loved by my family and all who have tried it.
Author: Jennifer Walsh
Moist banana loaf, delicious warmed with butter... Mmmmmmm. This recipe can be easily doubled to make 2 loaves.
Author: dakota kelly
This banana bread is made with maple syrup instead of sugar. It uses all natural ingredients and is incredibly moist with a great taste. I like organic...
Author: v4j
This easy banana bread recipe is quick to prepare, and everyone always comes back for seconds!
Author: Joy
This easy banana bread recipe is quick to prepare, and everyone always comes back for seconds!
Author: Joy
A delicious fruity loaf with lots of strawberries and bananas. If you leave out the flour and baking powder and soda, this makes a pretty good smoothie...
Author: Talia
This recipe was really yummy to start with but I was looking for something a little healthier so I replaced some butter with non-fat yogurt and I eliminated...
Author: MakeItHealthy
You do not have to be vegan to enjoy this banana bread. If no one told you it was vegan, you would never know. Try it out for yourself!
Author: Hrdlicka
Why compromise the banana flavor? This banana bread is moist and delicious with loads of banana flavor! Friends and family love my recipe and say it's...
Author: Shelley Albeluhn
This is a recipe that I put together, out of several different ones. It's very easy and very good.
Author: Saundra
This is a recipe that I put together, out of several different ones. It's very easy and very good.
Author: Saundra
A hearty banana bread using maple syrup as sweetener instead of sugar
Author: CPETRU
Our family is eating healthier these days and I have been experimenting with whole wheat flour. My picky kids loved this moist bread!
Author: Misty
This easy banana bread recipe is quick to prepare, and everyone always comes back for seconds!
Author: Joy
This easy banana bread recipe is quick to prepare, and everyone always comes back for seconds!
Author: Joy
This bread is a family favorite. It is very moist, freezes well, and makes a great addition to school lunches with peanut butter spread on a slice.
Author: grandma-diane
This easy banana bread recipe is quick to prepare, and everyone always comes back for seconds!
Author: Joy
This easy banana bread recipe is quick to prepare, and everyone always comes back for seconds!
Author: Joy
Delicious banana bread that tastes fantastic with plain Greek yogurt.
Author: Kailey W
This easy banana bread recipe is quick to prepare, and everyone always comes back for seconds!
Author: Joy
Why compromise the banana flavor? This banana bread is moist and delicious with loads of banana flavor! Friends and family love my recipe and say it's...
Author: Shelley Albeluhn
After trying several recipes for banana bread that had some but not all of the things I wanted in it, I tweaked a few together and came up with this version...
Author: Debbie Wind Bailey
This is one of my family's favorite recipes for banana bread. It is moist and delicious. Freezes well. I sometimes like to add blueberries, nuts, chocolate...
Author: Rachelle Bakalinsky Verhaeghe
This is the best banana bread recipe I have found. It is the most successful and versatile quick bread! You can also customize and use chunky applesauce...
Author: Allrecipes Member
My Aunt Bobra's famous banana bread recipe. This recipe took her years to get just right. It's delicious with a high quality berry jam. Optional additions...
Author: Rachel Ziefle
My Aunt Bobra's famous banana bread recipe. This recipe took her years to get just right. It's delicious with a high quality berry jam. Optional additions...
Author: Rachel Ziefle
My Aunt Bobra's famous banana bread recipe. This recipe took her years to get just right. It's delicious with a high quality berry jam. Optional additions...
Author: Rachel Ziefle
My Aunt Bobra's famous banana bread recipe. This recipe took her years to get just right. It's delicious with a high quality berry jam. Optional additions...
Author: Rachel Ziefle
A moist banana bread made with olive oil, Greek yogurt (or sour cream), and a crunchy walnut topping. I borrowed techniques from a few recipes to create...
Author: voraciousgirl
This easy banana bread recipe is quick to prepare, and everyone always comes back for seconds!
Author: Joy
A banana-nut bread that requires a batch of Amish Friendship Bread Starter. Do not use any type of metal spoon or bowl for mixing.
Author: LadybirdDee
Made with natural, wholesome ingredients, you wouldn't expect the outcome of this banana bread to be as amazing as it is! By far the best banana bread...
Author: Gillian Kehler
Made with natural, wholesome ingredients, you wouldn't expect the outcome of this banana bread to be as amazing as it is! By far the best banana bread...
Author: Gillian Kehler
This is a very moist banana bread with a little kick of spice. Loved by my family and all who have tried it.
Author: Jennifer Walsh
This easy banana bread recipe is quick to prepare, and everyone always comes back for seconds!
Author: Joy
This easy banana bread recipe is quick to prepare, and everyone always comes back for seconds!
Author: Joy
This easy banana bread recipe is quick to prepare, and everyone always comes back for seconds!
Author: Joy